What career are you in?

How are you feeling about your career right now? 

Before I get into the purpose of this post I just want to point out and I believe it is important to acknowledge that these times are not easy. This transition we find ourselves in, in various forms can be unsettling particularly with the uncertainty that surrounds it. 

Outside of that, we too can find ourselves in situations where we have accepted the way we feel in our career. That may show up in feelings such as uncomfortable, frustrated, stuck, bored, undervalued, no purpose.

What I have found is, a way we can make this process clearer is understanding what type of career you are currently in. 

You know how they say you have 3 types of friends. Friends for a season, friends for a reason or friends for a lifetime. 

Let’s view this in a career setting.

I believe you have a career for…

A season. 

A reason. 

A lifetime. 

And knowing this, specifically which career you are currently in, will help you understand where you are currently at in your career and better yet, gain clarity around which step you need to take next. 

How? I'll explain …

A season 

Whether it is a month or a year - your career is in your life for a period of time. When you move on, you leave it behind. It takes you through a season - it could feel like summer, winter, autumn or spring but when the season passes so does the career. 

It may serve a purpose of travel, financials, friendships and experiences or it may serve its purpose of knowing that you need to end this season and find something that is going to be aligned to your lifetime and goals. 

A season in a career can be what assists you to course correct. 

Ask yourself.
Does this career have an ending?
Do I feel like I am simply moving through the motions?
Does this career have a means to an end?

A reason

This career may last many years and it is often not known that this career is in fact for a reason until you have made the change or have that feeling like you need something more. A career for a reason comes into play when it is not satisfying for you anymore.

A reason can also show up in those situations that are hard, uncomfortable, unhealthy and needing you to reach a new level, take on challenges and see situations from various perspectives to grow and develop. This is the reason this career played out the way it did. 

Ask yourself.
What do I need to learn in this situation?
How can I grow?
How can I challenge myself?
How has this experience / career influenced my next steps (even if it is knowing what you don’t want)?

A lifetime

This is the career that can withstand the reasons and the seasons and is with you every step of the way. 

You know you have your lifetime career when you know it wouldn't be any other way. When you cannot think, see or have been through any reason or season that will completely take you away from your vision. It may influence, open up other opportunities and take you on wild adventures that you never thought possible. But it will not completely side swipe you. Your resilience to making this work becomes automatic. 

A lifetime career supports your why, your values and passion. 

It must be known, however, lifetime careers also have cycles. And sometimes these cycles come to an end. Priorities change, lifestyle changes and so many other influences can come into play but once you have experienced a lifetime career, you know when you reach that point again. 

Ask yourself.
Would I have it any other way?
What is my why? - does it match?

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Which career do you feel you fit into? Is it season, reason or lifetime?

Are you unsure where you sit? I would love to help you discover more - jump over and book a free complimentary consult where we can find out exactly which career you are in.