My experience with Beautiful You Coaching Academy. 

I’M DONE. I’m trained as a life coach.

It is funny that the feeling of completion was not what I expected. I was joyous, I was excited and I was very happy for all my fellow coaches who trained with me and shared their excitement. But I almost felt as though I had been here before - this was never not going to happen. It was almost a warm sense of achievement. 

Over the course, we had frequent zoom trainings and in the last call everyone was invited to share their experience, gratitude and any final thoughts. As I sat and listened (may have shed a tear or two) I really wanted to share but could not think of what to say. I was nervous. But I knew I had to make a comment and what I said would be the right words… 

It went something along the lines of this …

Thank you for offering a training platform that supports all learning styles as this was one of the things that I was most nervous about. Thank you for the way in which you deliver feedback and support throughout the whole program - it has given me the encouragement to do further study (previously this was quite a stretch for me). And shout out to my coaching buddy - wink wink. 

At the time, I felt it was a surface level comment but going deeper, it really was a massive deal for me to be able to internalise the information and learnings so I can grow and develop. I do consider myself a lifelong learner but in the formal sense, it is scary for someone with dyslexic to even consider. 

The invitation to study in a way that supports all learning styles was, for me, imperative. The academy not only demonstrated this throughout their training program but they were incredibly non-judgemental in their delivery. There is no hard A B C or Ds you don't get a Credit or Distinction or a P1 - you got constructive, valuable and purposeful feedback to help support you to be the best coach you can be. 

My experience beyond the learning style? I picked three big ones … 

Coaching experience

You have the option to be matched with a coaching buddy and boy oh boy, was my match made in heaven. Instant connection, support and guidance for each other throughout the program. I can honestly say that Kate will be a lifelong friend. I was coached by Kate and coached Kate over the program which supported the modules as we learnt them = putting your learnings into practice, coaching on real goals, real life, real scenarios. We also performed live coaching which offered feedback and encouragement which resulted in an automatic confidence boost, bonus. 

Putting your learnings into practice throughout the training was invaluable. 


I had seen the BYCA community from afar, followed a few BYCA trained coaches on socials and seen their stories about their BYCA community, so I knew it existed, I knew it was real and I knew it must be good. It did not disappoint. What I didn't expect was how supportive the community is, in you, your coaching, your business, your growth. I was blown away by the automatic community that is created upon commencement. When I say supportive, I mean it - a fellow coach referred a webinar panel speaking opportunity to me, shared posts and future collaborations to come. 

Community is divine.

Genuine feedback 

I mentioned this earlier but feel it needs its own heading. I am a big believer in adapting the growth mindset to the way we learn, grow and develop and with this feedback is imperative. But good, constructive and valuable feedback that can allow you to learn and grow from and that is what the trainers at BYCA give. It is not fluffy, insensitive or short. You get feedback on the membership site as well as the coaching calls and both offer you (if needed) to think, reframe, reflect and even reword in order to learn and grow. To me, this is the support you need to be able to be the best coach you can be. 

I felt that the BYCA trainers invested in me being the best coach I can be as well as me, investing in myself. 

On top of this the modules, delivery and program was brilliant and truly built my skills and coaching practice. The coaching structure, goal setting, mindset - all the foundational skills you need to coach as well as to build a business is all there. I did not leave the course wishing we had done more of X, Y or Z - it had everything as well as the 3 key points above making it an experience, not just a training program. 

Thank you Beautiful You Coaching Academy, you have helped build me as a coach. Forever grateful.

Learn more about Beautiful You Coaching Academy HERE

Follow their Insta for latest updates HERE

For those of you who are new around here …

I am a career transition coach.

I work with people who feel like they are at the end of the life-cycle of their career, unsure on their direction and are lacking confidence in the application process. I help them make their next career move with confidence, uncover their full potential and truly thrive.

If you would like to have a conversation around how you can coach with me, I would love to chat - you can find out more here

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