Are you a different person at home to who you are at work? 

Yes, ok - maybe you don’t drop the F bomb as often or reveal your guilty pleasures but are you, YOU? 

Can you distinctly see a difference between when you step into your workplace to when you step inside your front door? 

Do you feel a release, a breath out, a comfort, a thank fuck that day is done? 

I was in a role that was so far removed from who I was and impostor syndrome was rife that before I would walk inside the office I sat in my car and played Let Me Be by Xavier Rudd extremely loud to pump myself up (basically shouting at the workplace to let me be), get out the car and walk in the door wearing this mask I did not recognize. 

This person who I created was out of fear. Fear they would find me out, I would be exposed, I would be outed. I felt like I had to be a completely different person to be valued and seen to be doing a good job. 

This behavior, this way of working is not sustainable and never ends in success - not subjective career success anyway. 

I was not aware what impostor syndrome was but I did literally feel like I was wearing a mask. 

Fast forward to over a decade working in a career that was not aligned to me, I am now in a space that I can feel more true to my authentic self then ever. My career (day job) could not be more aligned with my business and the work I want to do in this world..

It took big life events for me to snap out of this facade I created. It took a combination of redundancy (got a position straight away through recommendations but was the same job for a different company) and returning to work soon after my first baby which made me STOP and ask myself, what are you doing? 

Why do we continue to work in roles that feel unaligned? 

Why do we accept that sleep walking through our career is ok? 

Why do we feel so scared to take that step? 

Because we often don’t know any difference. We haven't experienced a career in alignment. We accept that we are a different person at work to at home. 

For me, I was working in a role that was not fostering my strengths therefore I always felt I needed to prove myself, work longer hours and always be on. My strengths were almost unknown to me, how I viewed success was extremely objective and I felt like I needed to feel this pressure and stress to actually do a good job. 

80% of the population is doing this - 80% of people are not engaged in their career. 

I imagine a world where this is flipped and I believe it is possible. 

The first step is to recognise if you are being authentic in your career. Are you putting on a mask before you wrock up to your day job? Are you feeling emotionally exhausted from your job and not understanding why? Do you feel like you need to overperform, can’t say no or be someone else? 

These are all signs you are not showing up as your authentic self in your career. 

My next question is are you willing to make a change? Do you want to be in a career that you CAN be authentically YOU?

If this is a YES - send me an email here and we can book in a complimentary discovery call to see if career coaching with me is for you.